MSPRC Contract Change



As part of our ongoing commitment to keep our clients informed of the latest developments concerning the Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery obligations and procedures, the Garretson Resolution Group, Inc. (GRG) is issuing the following Client Advisory:

The Garretson Resolution Group has confirmed that the MSPRC (Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery Contractor) contract will expire on September 30, 2011 and will not be renewed with Chickasaw Nation Industries (CNI). CNI was initially awarded the contract (to perform recovery activities on behalf of Medicare) in 2006 and has served in the capacity of Medicare’s recovery contractor since that time. Initial indications are that the contract has instead been awarded to Group Health Incorporated (GHI). GHI was awarded the Medicare Coordination of Benefits (COB) contract in 1999 and will now add the recovery portion of the Medicare process under the new contract.

Unfortunately, additional details are limited at the time of this alert. We will continue to post updates to our website at as additional information is available. GRG continues to support its client base by navigating the ever-changing regulations, processes and contractors to yield timely and favorable results for MSP and other health care obligations.

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